We’ve all heard the adage that “Practice Makes Perfect”, and that “Repetition Precedes Consistency”. But those concepts only work when the practice and repetition strikes a chord with the student, and reaches them in a way that they truly understand. Sitting in a net, taking 15 shots, then moving on to the next student is not teaching, that’s assembly line instruction.

The Instructors at the Detroit Preparatory Sports Academy have over 45 years of experience developing players to reach their optimum level. Each daily session is designed for each individual students needs, typically in a 1 on 1, and no more than 3 on 1 setting. Unlike a team environment where 20 players cycle through drills, each of our students receive the full attention of our staff while they are on the ice. On days when students are caught up academically, they have the freedom to hit the ice again, either with a coach, or with a buddy.

There is no substitute for ice time, students have an almost unlimited opportunity to hone their skills.